• BTP Pharmaceutical Co., Limited
  • Corporate Culture Staff Photos Corporate citizen Training & Development Welfare


    BTP Pharm establishes a legal, standardized and efficient salary system to make sure its compensation and benefits are competitive among its counterparts so as to encourage employees to create values and realize self-worth.

    Performance Salary:
    BTP Pharmadopts a performance-oriented salary system which prioritizes the business performance of each individual and allows for the existence of many other forms of distribution and short and medium-term incentive mechanism.The company decides on the salary standards of each individual by taking into consideration his or her job value, ability requirements and job performance.

    Social Insurance:
    BTP Pharm provides its staff with a comprehensive welfare and security package that include legal insurance benefits, medical insurance, and mutual aiding fund for serious diseases, unemployment insurance, birth-giving insurance and work-related injury insuranceas well as public house fund accumulation etc.

    Employee Welfare:
    Various of paid-leave and annual leave;
    Various ofsubsidies: communication subsidy, meals subsidy,holiday subsidy and so on;
    Personalized welfare package: birthday gifts and medical examination yearly etc.

    Long-term Incentive:
    House-purchase subsidy;
    Performance shares incentive;
    Option incentive;
    Participation in profit.

  • About us

    Company Profile

    President's Greetings

    Brand Building

    Standardization Management

  • Bussiness

    Bulk Pharmaceuticals

    Pharmaceutical Intermediates

    Empty capsules

    Pharmaceutical Glass Packaging

    Finished Products

    Pharmaceutical Machinary

  • R&D Production



  • Logistics

    Logistics Services

    Shuanglong Bonded Warehouse

    Dafeng Logistics Company

  • Culture & Career

    Corporate Culture

    Staff Photos

    Corporate citizen

    Training & Development


  • News

    Company News

    Industry News

  • Contact us

    Contact us

    Career opportunities

  • Add: Room 2306-2309, Jinfeng Mansion, No. 19, Zhongyang Road, Nanjing  Zip Code: 210008  Tel: +86-25-68176765  Fax: +86-25-68176780  E-Mail: Info@btp-pharm.com

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